Speed and solid defense surround the three-time MVP's bat, who defected from the St. Louis Cardinals and National League for a bigger market and more dollars (10 years and reportedly $254 million).
Devastating starting pitching talent to boot, cemented by the acquisition of free agent C.J. Wilson, and the Angels should be considered an elite team from the get-go. They were only games away from winning the AL Wild Card.
"Angels in the Outfield" is a feel-good story about a foster boy finding a team and a family to believe in.
"Angels in the Outfield" is a feel-good story about a foster boy finding a team and a family to believe in.
The signing of Pujols is anything but; he abandoned his baseball family of 12 years (since being selected by St. Louis in the 13th round of the 1999 draft) in favor of more green.
No matter, Pujols remains a model of class on-and-off the field and will give those angels from up above a chance to do what they do best: watch from afar.
Good pix for story
good picture for story
Ms Tootsie: nice quotes
Lambeau: Wow Detroit hasn't won there in 21 years! Liked chicken and egg idea.
Kobe: not really astonishing
Hugo/War Horse: you are harsh
Why is unmistake prone like an AA member?
Liked idea that Syracuse weathered Wisconsin's thunderstorm
Interesting NBA story: Paul, James and Anthony go to big markets and they all have first names as last names
Moneyball: funny pun, film isn't focused on "the big picture" Good history of the As including the second game they lost to MN and we saw it
Good ideqa: Commuters in Mpls rush hour can get to work in less time than it takes the Badgers to score
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